Philosophy for All
Philosophy for All is a leading podcast for everything related to philosophy and theology. We often host leading scholars and thinkers to bring you the best content in philosophy and theology! Stay tuned for enlightening discussions which would not only enrich your knowledge of philosophy, but also provide you with life lessons from great thinkers!This podcast has ranked globally, past ranks include top 200 in UK, top 40 in Hungary, top 50 in Slovenia & top 20 in Denmark for Arts & Books.
Philosophy for All
The Philosophy and Faith of Tolkien (w/ Dr. Holly Ordway)
We are joined by Dr. Holly Ordway, the world's prominent scholar on J.R.R. Tolkien to talk about the philosophy, theology and life of the 20th century's greatest novelist J.R.R. Tolkien.
Dr. Ordway is the Cardinal Francis George Professor of Faith and Culture at the the Word on Fire Institute and Visiting Professor of Apologetics at Houston Christian University.
Breaking down faith, culture & big questions - a mix of humor with real spiritual growth.
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Philosophy YT: https://bit.ly/philforall
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Buisness: https://bit.ly/logosedu
My Website: https://joshuajwyen.com/