Philosophy for All
Philosophy for All is a leading podcast for everything related to philosophy and theology. We often host leading scholars and thinkers to bring you the best content in philosophy and theology! Stay tuned for enlightening discussions which would not only enrich your knowledge of philosophy, but also provide you with life lessons from great thinkers!This podcast has ranked globally, past ranks include top 200 in UK, top 40 in Hungary, top 50 in Slovenia & top 20 in Denmark for Arts & Books.
334 episodes
The Philosophy and Faith of Tolkien (w/ Dr. Holly Ordway)
We are joined by Dr. Holly Ordway, the world's prominent scholar on J.R.R. Tolkien to talk about the philosophy, theology and life of the 20th century's greatest novelist J.R.R. Tolkien. Dr. Ordway is the Cardinal Francis George Profes...
Season 22
Episode 19

The Philosophy of Immanuel Kant: An Introduction (w/ Dr. Bob Hanna)
Join us for an in-depth discussion with Dr. Robert Hanna on Immanuel Kant's philosophy, covering transcendental idealism, the transcendental deduction, and free will. We explore key concepts from Critique of Pure Reason, including synthetic a p...
Season 22
Episode 18

How My Oxford Philosophy Degree Transformed My Faith
Does learning philosophy weaken or strengthen your faith? In this video, I share four ways in which my faith has been transformed by my studies in Philosophy and Theology at the University of Oxford.
Season 22
Episode 17

The Philosophy and Life of Edith Stein (Dr. Sarah Borden)
Edith Stein is a notable philosopher in the 20th century being most influential in attempting to synthesise the boundaries and movements of Thomistic philosophy with Husserlian phenomenology. In this video, we are joined by Dr Sarah Borden Shar...
Season 22
Episode 16

The WORST Protestant Argument: Response to @NeedGodnet
There are many arguments for protestantism and many of them are powerful and ought to be taken seriously. However, some arguments have just such weird implications which are just flat out ridiculous. In this video, I respond to one such argumen...
Season 22
Episode 15

Do the Unevangelised go to Hell? Views in Soteriology (Dr. John Sanders)
Renowned scholar Dr. John Sanders joins us to talk about the fate of the unevangelised. Do they go to heaven? Hell? What happens to them after they die? These are pressing questions in Christianity. We talk about the different positions in this...
Season 22
Episode 14

Reflections on the Most Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
In this video, I discuss the philosophy and theological significance behind the Mass as well as my personal reflections on its unique and special place in Christian Theology. I will discuss not only the theological nature of the Mass but also i...
Season 22
Episode 13

Anti-Theodicy: Challenges to Traditional Theodicy (w/ Dr. Sami Pihlström)
Despite popular debates' interest in the problem of evil, scholars have mostly focused on whether evil poses an intellectual challenge, probabilistically, against the existence of God. Alternatively, a lesser focused discussion in the problem o...
Season 22
Episode 12

Oxford Students Discuss the Dynamics of Student Protest
Join us in this insightful discussion with fellow Oxford student Archibald as we delve into the proper methodologies of student protest. In this video, we explore effective strategies for organizing and conducting student activism, focusing on ...
Season 22
Episode 11

Joe Schmid Talks EVERYTHING Philosophy of Religion
The philosophy of religion is a broad field of different arguments and sections. So is Christian YouTube with cultural commentary, apologetics, lectures, academic work and so much more. For this reason, I thought it would be a great idea to get...
Season 22
Episode 10

How Studying THEOLOGY at Oxford Impacted My Christian Faith
In this video, I talk about how two years studying Theology at the world's most prestigious theology undergraduate program has impacted by development as a Christian. I share my honest reflections and thoughts about how it has opened my mind to...
Season 22
Episode 9

The Philosophy and Depravity of Martin Heidegger (w/ Dr. Taylor Carman)
Join us in this enlightening interview with Dr. Taylor Carman, a renowned expert on Martin Heidegger, as we delve deep into the core of Heideggerian philosophy. Dr. Carman explores pivotal concepts such as Being and Time, Dasein, and the fundam...
Season 22
Episode 8

How a Religious Experience Led Me to Catholicism
Join me as I recount my profound religious experience story that led to my Protestant to Catholic conversion during my time at Oxford. This video delves into the significant religious paradigm shift and spiritual transfo...
Season 22
Episode 7

The Unfortunate Downfall of Christian YouTube
I have recently noticed a growing amount of clickbaity and polarising content put out by Christian YouTubers, not just Cameron. In this video, I analyse two of Cameron's recent videos as well as providing a more broad overview of the issue and ...
Season 22
Episode 6

Plato and the Tripartite Division of the Soul
One of Plato's major contributions in his work The Republic and the Phaedrus is his concept of the tripartite division of the soul. In this video, I analyse what Plato meant with the tripartite division of the soul and also its implicatio...
Season 22
Episode 5

The Role and Direction of Skepticism in 2024 (w/ Simply Skeptical)
A Christian and a non-believer sit down to discuss the implications and approaches to skepticism in the 21st century. We discuss Simply Skeptical's background, her ideas and what motivates her skepticism. After all, skepticism is an important p...
Season 22
Episode 4

The Politics and History of the Israel Palestine Conflict
Join us in this in-depth interview with geopolitics expert Firas Modad as we explore the complex dynamics of the Israel-Palestine conflict and other critical issues shaping the Middle East. We delve into the historical context, the types of col...
Season 22
Episode 3

Why Reading Plato's Republic Will CHANGE Your Life
Plato's Republic is one of the most wide reaching and influential works in philosophy, touching questions in metaphysics, ethics, politics, psychoanalysis and so much more! In this video, I discuss why you should read Plato's Republic and how t...
Season 22
Episode 2

Oxford Conservatives Critique Jordan Peterson's Academy
Jordan Peterson recently launched the Peterson Academy. In this video, we discuss the reasons for why he launched the academy, his criticism of academia, and potential solutions and developments of his program. I hope you enjoy.
Season 21
Episode 1

Wrestling with Evil and Suffering | Christianity for All
The problem of evil is one of the most influential problems in the philosophy of religion. This brief presentation covers some of the most influential contributions in this field including the Book of Job, logical and evidential problems of evi...
Season 20
Episode 22

An Introduction to Apologetics | Christianity for All Pt. 3
Apologetics can be helpful in reassuring oneself about faith and helping one be certain that God exists. In this video, I discuss important topics like the Kalam Cosmological Argument, Design Argument, Fine-Tuning Argument, the Resurrection Arg...
Season 20
Episode 21

Exploring the Christian Life | Christianity for All Pt. 2
Christianity is not just a passive faith, it is active and calls us to live in the world and respond to God's calling. In today's session of Christianity for All, I talk about how we can respond to God's calling and implement His teachings in o...
Season 20
Episode 20

What Makes Christianity Special? | Christianity for All
In today's video, we discuss why Christianity is unique amongst Christian worldviews and also why you may consider becoming a Christian. In order to do this, I introduce the key tenets of Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism and more, showing wha...
Season 20
Episode 19

Dietrich Bonhoeffer: His Life and Ideas (w/ Dr. Aaron Simmons)
Join us in this enlightening interview with Dr. Aaron Simmons as we delve into the life and legacy of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a pivotal figure in Christian theology known for his profound resistance against oppressive powers. Dr. Simmons shares in...
Season 20
Episode 18

Developing a Christian Hermeneutic: Phenomenology and Existentialism (w/ Karol Ngwa)
Join us in this enlightening interview with Karol as we delve into the intricate project of building a Christian phenomenology and existentialism. We explore how these philosophical frameworks intersect with Christian theology, shedding light o...
Season 20
Episode 17